Over Dimensional Cargo

Our Capabilities

Route Survey & Feasibility Study

In depth survey of probable routes with observations on crossings, bridges and other obstructions to ensure your cargo remains safe from any external contact.

Government Liaising

We liaison with Government agencies for all permissions. Specially when taken through narrow routes or where some road work, electrical line removal/shutdown maybe necessary.

Technical Knowledge

With over 50 years of experience in moving cargo, we know exactly which vehicle will be most suitable for your ODC.

Escort Movement

Escort movement with in-vehicle escort or lead vehicle so that we always have eyes on the safety of your cargo.

Loading/Bracing Knowledge

We use precise loading and bracing technique to handle your cargo.

Road Contracting & Electrical Line Management

We make roads and clear routes from any electrical or other obstructions that might hamper the movement of your cargo.

Delivering Over Dimensional Cargos Across India

Our Clients

We take pride in bearing the trust of some of the most prominent names across industries when it comes to moving Over Dimensional Cargo through the length and breadth of the country and beyond.